- Zoe has raised $800 for Cystic Fibrosis with her lemonade stand!
- We all walked in a 5K and Zoe got to accept the award for Avery's team
- We took a 4 day vacation to Disney and had enough pixie dust and princess encounters to last a lifetime...or a couple of years at least!
- Zoe turned 6! She got an American Girl doll and took a buddy and her sister to lunch at the AG store.
- Both girls were in the Spanish Schoolhouse end of year show - Lucy was in rare form on the stage!
- Zoe graduated from Spanish Schoolhouse. Sniff.
- Our friends and Brazil experts, the Worthams, came to visit from Pittsburg
- I gave Zoe an end of Kindergarten language arts assessment and on the 10 page test, the only thing she missed was misspelling "they" and choosing two answers for one question.
- Our montessori experiment with Lucy is a home run! I'm in serious planning mode for next year.
- Zoe is about to finish up her Kindergarten handwriting, math, and spelling curriculums.
- Oh, and Lucy taught herself to read.
We are still loving Singapore Math and I have ordered first grade for next year. Minquon math is very inexpensive and is a nice occasional supplement. I also plan to use it more and more with Lucy as she is interested.
Making rainbows on our new mats ( for $1 - wish I'd thought of it sooner!) after math time.
3 groups of 10 and 4 more make 34!
Yep, my not yet 4 year old busted out the first 4 Bob books like it was no biggie.
She now takes them to bed with her and wants to read them first thing every morning.
Here's to the teaching method of no direct instruction but watching your big sister like a hawk for a year!