Of course, we had to bring a little science along...here Avery uses a water bottle to "sneeze" her "germs" without a tissue...

...and with. It was a good reminder of how germs spread when we don't cover coughs and sneezes.

Then, we pulled out an old favorite. We each sprinkled one color of glitter on our hands. Then we pretended to cough and sneeze into our hands. Without washing our hands, we shook hands with each other.

We learned that it takes soap, water, and rubbing our hands together to get the germs off!

We took an Avery led tour of the hospital and enjoyed some more snuggles while she had her treatments. We love Avery and were glad to go for a visit.
The link at the top of our blog will take you to Zoe's charity she started to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

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